A New Earth

If you have listened to or read any works by Dolores Cannon you have probably heard of this phrase…

If you’re anything like me, while this is a positive concept, it also has given rise to much anxiety about being part of the group left behind by those who ascended to the new 5D “New Earth” because when I look around at the present-day chaos, Arab-Israeli conflict (aka genocide), inflation, political corruption, Pelosi’s insider trading, Big Tech and Big Finance reaping obscene profits, Big Pharma controlling the healthcare industry, Boeing’s whistleblowers dying suspiciously, Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell’s heavy hitter lists remain undisclosed, AIPAC and ADL’s inordinate influence over both political parties (as well as POTUS), mainstream media’s censorship and bias, police brutality and fascist repression of free speech and free assembly, both presidential candidates being abhorrent, etc. ad nauseum! Oh and let’s not forget all the -ism’s: misogyny, racism, ageism, colorism, colonialism, imperialism, fascism, late-stage capitalism, Zionism, anti-Semitism, Islamaphobia, anti-Asian bias, discrimination, and homophobia! It is blatantly self-evident to all who see that this is NOT the 5D New Earth we were promised by New Age gurus! So what gives?

Fear not, for it is darkest before dawn. I could be wrong but I believe I am not when I say we are not left behind but these are just the growing pains as we shift and move towards a New Earth. All the shadows of the old world must be brought fully into the light so that it can be purged. It’s been thriving in the shadows out of the public eye for so long that we got used to it festering in the shadows. It will get worse before it gets better. I think all the rot is being brought to the surface so we can all face our collective societal demons head on and see how we directly contributed or supported these systems in one way or another and then do shadow work to reject and heal any part of us that might cling to or feel like we still benefit from these destructive systems.

I think if enough of us on this earth continue to do our shadow work and uproot any facet of ourselves that uphold these destructive systems we will eventually rid ourselves of our complicity. And as the external world reflects our internal state, when enough of us have healed ourselves we will eventually find ourselves in a New Earth after all.